

Hello !
Well I rented an atelier. I used the first time just to do a work, in which I could get in touch with materials again. What a pleasure to feel the papers and to mess around in bigger size, far off any computer. Well the subject, good old Childhood-Dirty Harry Callahan suited fine in this playing.. It has already found its way to a new happy owner.
I will give it more time for PA Projects now. With love from IB


  1. Oh wow!! Looks really great, the mxture of painting, letters and collagework and not to forget - the size!

    Maybe "Pink Callahan" could be a nice title for this work...

  2. great stuff Mr IB!
    da wird man direkt ein bisschen neidisch bei soviel positiver Entschlusskraft und "neuer" Energie 2010. Herzlichen Glückwunsch
    zum Atelier und zur tollen, großen Arbeit. Mir gefällt beides sehr!

  3. Danke. So viel Lob. Toll. Hat, wie gesagt, auch Spass gemacht. You should try this at home!

  4. waaw! great work! I wish I could work also in a big atelier again!

  5. "Fabelhaft", um es mit den Worten von Dirty Harry zu sagen.

  6. Ich kann mich nur anschließen. Zerfließe vor Neid.
