
Blackdust EP

Hi again,

this is a CD-packaging for a band based around Mannheim, Germany. The design-process was a really quick one, the band chose an existing illustration from the book I made for our booth at the last book-fair in Frankfurt. I am not sure about the title - as it often goes, I got all the content right before the packaging was due for printing. Not ideal for an illustrator, but another experience...





I got stuck with graphic-design-work in the last couple of weeks, so nothing really fancy to show. Nonetheless here’s a little after-hour project I was working on. It is another small sculpure to complement the previous two - a complete makeover from a really old piece from around 2000.

This is my first day off for quite a while and I feel kind of tense, so I skip writing about the story behind the birdman for today. Dieter suggested to paint the sculptures, which I find a very intriguing idea, but scary at the same time. Maybe I’ll make some sketches first before I »tattoo« them permanently.

Good night,


Golden Brown

Some quick sketches, inspired by the video of

It's another experiment with colour,
line and paint are on the same paper.
Often I do many corrections/ retouches,
which is not possible in this case.

Paradoxically, this limitation makes me feel very free,
and it was great fun to create these little images.



New Layer - New Layer - New Layer (Head explodes)

click to enlarge

Here´s another quick work-in-progress shot
of my VAMOS childrens vacation cover submission.
I just read over the PDF a few days ago again and
I just noticed that the first three prizes win a pretty neat
amount of money. Of course, the noble
motivation of creating wonderful and inspiring
pieces of timeless art is reason enough, but
having fat stacks of cash roll into my bank
account puts a sugarcoating over it.

As I mentioned, it´s going to be a two-page
cover illustration, and I thought the little
front-and-behind view gimmick would be
neat here. I can´t remember when if I
ever drew a character from behind
(not with this much effort, anyways)
but I think it´s turning out pretty good
considering I make the anatomy up
as I go along (as you might have noticed,
her had is a bit smaller now, giving
her a more realistic expression).

There´s going to be a lot more
hanging on and coming out of her
backpack in the next few days,
hinting on the many different and
interesting things the kids and their parents
can do on the VAMOS trips.

Each new piece I do takes more and
more time, and this takes the crown -
I started it on March 28th, and we
still have a week to go. That´s
what I love about working digitally so
much right now - I can screw with
until I´m old and grey. If you´re
a perfectionist like me, this is
a very big timesink!



kiss the gravel under the shower

hi there,

long time no posting.

i'm not so much into drawing lately,
but i'm starting to record some of my songs.
i don't have a clue about music mastering, but i have a
hell of a lot of fun to tinker around with
my sound editing software.

i'm actually so exited about it,
that i wrenched my neck yesterday eyes wide open.

my first song ever posted in the world wide web.
still dirty, but i like it that way:
without trying to gloss over the fear to look
at myself into the bathroom mirror.


listen here and get wet


Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung

click to enlarge

Last week I did two illustrations for the sunday issue of the FAZ. The images complement an extraordinary text from the 17th century which tells the story of a young man who becomes a soldier in order to avoid a forced marriage. Written by Grimmelshausen (he‘s well known for his novel Simplicius Simplicissimus) and printed in origin, sometimes very strange sounding, words: „dann ich war wegen deß empfangenen Schuß nit allein selbst nichts nutz zum Mausen/ sonder muste andern die damit vmgiengen/ außwarten vnd mich indessen schier auff den Tod verbluten."




Martin Luther King Jr. was shot dead on
the 4th of April 1968, in Memphis, Tennesee.
So Nina Simone was dedicating
to the memory of him in the song
"Why? (the king of love is dead)".

Her brother gave an interview on npr a few days later.
You can still listen to it.




This is another small scuplture I made these days, to complement the recent one. Ah, the WEIRDNESS! Its not very large, about 30 centimeters high. It really was fun to do, since you can build up and remove and build up the material - unlike drawing, where almost every line sort of counts. I took some inspiration from the egypt mythology, especially Seth, which a friend told me about, and, in a way, from the movie Bilal put out a while ago, »The Immortal«.

Take care,