
Zine Fest Antwerp

Poste Aérienne will be exhibitor at the the Grafixx Zine Fest in Antwerp, first weekend in december.

Discover fresh zine work - delicate silkscreen - have a sip of coffee,
1st and 2nd of Dec. in Antwerp.


  1. Hey, this looks like a drawing from the very talented young artist Ward Zwart (?). Great that PA will be part of this event. Could you also make some photos during the Zine Fest?

  2. I think it is.
    Ward makes lots of posters for events with/ by Ephameron.

    Yes some impressions will follow

  3. great that we'll take part of it this time and sure i would like to see some photos here too.
    Nice days on the Zine Fest!
