Welcome to the biggest rhineland festival of illustration to date!!

illu12 takes place in Cologne the coming weekend, from 20th-22nd of April in DQE. 43 exhibitors from Cologne and NRW show their work and reveal details of their creative process. Wether you're illustrator, art lover or creative professional, make sure to drop by, it's a fine opportunity to meet artists and chat about their work.
Boris Servais talks about the phenomenon of "alternative illustration" on Saturday, 16h. The example of three contemporary artists, Henrik Drescher, Benoît Jacques and Barron Storey, offers insights in their unique working techniques in the scene of independent illustration.
The programm of events includes workshops, discussion forums and live drawing. One of the contributors for our coming Mikrokosmos Edition, Lars Henkel, designed the key-visual for the festival, an hommage to Maurice Sendaks Where the Wild Things are.